No pretty picture to draw you in this time.
We are down to the wire, and we need your immediate help to answer what we believe is God's clear call on our lives.
Scott Jones, Director of Black Forest Academy, writes this about the role of dorm parents at BFA:
Dorm parents are critical and essential to BFA’s operation. If we have a teacher that doesn’t make it due to low financial support, there are solutions at our disposal. If we are without dorm parents for one of our dorms, the wheels come off the bus.
Furthermore, the role and influence of dorm parents is unique and powerful. Dorm parents serve as educators, mentors, ministers, and counselors. Dorm parents partner with their students’ parents in caring for and meeting the needs of these students. Dorm parents partner with teachers and support/extend the learning environment for students. Dorm parents are uniquely positioned to help these missionary kids process and deal with who they are before they make the significant life transitions to university in an American culture that is quite foreign to them.
The life-on-life time that dorm parents have with students and the opportunities for influence and ministry that exist as a result are significant.
By providing viable education options to missionary families, BFA directly enables "dramatic Christian ministry to occur in 52 countries—ministry that would simply
be interrupted or cease to continue were it not for this
educational option that missionary parents can choose for their college-bound
high schoolers."
We simply cannot answer God's call without sufficient monthly support.
If God is so leading you, please email your pledge of monthly support to Mrs. Beverley Durance, Donor Services, TeachBeyond, at
Please email
your full name and address, the amount you are pledging and how you will
be giving (by check, by auto withdrawal through your financial institution, or by auto withdrawal through TeachBeyond). If you can, Bev asks that you scan and email your pledge form and
voided check if you wish to set up an automatic withdrawal through TeachBeyond.
Please don't forget to mention that your pledge is for our ministry, Jim Stewart & Susan Storter, #40257.
Please copy me at as well so we will sooner learn of your pledge.
We pray you will partner with us to help keep the wheels on the BFA school bus. By doing so, you and your family will play a role in spreading the Good News in 52 countries without leaving your home in the States.
Thank you for your prayerful consideration!
We pray all God's blessings upon you and yours.
Susan and Jim