Saturday, May 4, 2013

Praise Report and Support-Raising Activities

Janelle, Susan, Jim, and Jackson
Germany-Bound, the Lord willing!

It's been a while since we've posted on our blog, but now is probably a really good time to up-date everyone on what we've been up to in the past few weeks.

But first, a praise report!

Our pastor, Jim Nite, told us a couple in our church has pledged to match support contributions on our behalf. The couple is anonymous to us, but we praise God for them and thank them for their generosity.

On Sunday, May 5, we will be in the narthex of Center Point Community Church speaking to folks about our ministry. Please drop by to see us there.

So far, we've made presentations to at least six of the Connection Groups at Center Point and at one church-members' home. Please let us know if we can speak to your Connection Group if you haven't yet heard our presentation. We'd love to present what we believe is God's leading in our lives.

At this point, we are far short of the support we need in order to serve God and missionary families in Germany. While our human efforts, alone, are utterly inadequate for the task at hand, with God's help we can do all things!

Please pray for our support-raising efforts and that God will continue to open all doors necessary. We must have the financial and prayer support of fellow Believers back home to accomplish what needs to be done.

Please let us know if you feel led of God to come along side us to partner with us in service to missionary families.

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