Monday, June 3, 2013

Meeting the Wittlingen Dorm Team

Wittlingen Dorm, Wittlingen, Germany

Susan, Janelle, and I had the awesome opportunity yesterday afternoon of Skyping with the folks at Witt. It was such a blessing to meet the young ladies we'll have the privilege of parenting in the Fall. Janelle was pleased to meet an entire new set of friends she'll get to enjoy in the next step of our adventure.

We'd previously Skyped with Susie and Joe, the current Witt dorm parents, and with Jess and Sarah, the two resident assistants who'll be returning to Witt next year. We'll have huge shoes to fill succeeding (we cannot possibly replace) Susie and Joe, and we're so pleased to have Jess and Sarah returning to work with us. Joe and Susie could not have been more complementary of Sarah and Jess.

It's official, Susan will be known in Witt as "Aunt Su Su," and I'll be "Uncle Jim." The choice drew applause from the girls, and it seems to me a much better selection than our kid's suggestion that I be called "Großvater."

So we continue to pray that God continues to open doors for our service at Witt. While we have almost all of our required initial start-up funds collected or pledged, we're still a way away from having the monthly support pledges we need.

Please prayerfully consider if you might be led to partner with us in our service to missionary families who, in turn, are serving God in sometimes hostile and, even, dangerous places in the world. We cannot serve without the financial support of Believers back home.

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