Sunday, June 9, 2013

Reports of a Paucity of Mexican Food in Germany Unfounded? A Ray of Hope? Maybe!

Every Sunday morning, Kaufland (in German, literally, "Buy Land"), the "Big-K" of Deutschland, emails me its weekly newsletter. One Kaufland newsletter feature I'm especially drawn to each week is its Rezept der Woche, the Recipe of the Week.

I was pleased to see this Tex-Mex-Torte recipe featured this week.

You see, last week, Susan, Janelle, and I had the privilege of Skyping with the young ladies who'll live at Wittlingen dorm next year. One of their questions for us was what kinds of foods we like to cook. Janelle, I believe it was, piped in that we enjoyed cooking and eating Mexican food, which drew a big Harrah! from at least one of the girls at the dorm.

Wouldn't you know it, though, all the "Moving-to-Germany" books I've seen since then, including all the "Click-Here-To-Look-Inside" snippets, unanimously declare authentic Mexican food utterly unavailable in Germany.

I was much heartened this morning to see Kaufland's Tex-Mex-Torte ("Tex-Mex-Pie") as the Recipe of the Week. Not so much for the recipe itself, but rather in the ingredient list accompanying it. My theory is that Kaufland would never promote a recipe requiring ingredients that it doesn't stock.

So, this Rezept der Woche is a ray of hope that we can take our Mexican food recipes with us to Germany.

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